En Confianza in a few words

En Confianza en pocas palabras

En Confianza (In Confidence) is a brand designed to help and support the Latinx community. It functions as a digital platform with a newsletter and an initial Community Resource Directory of programs and institutions offering accurate services for Latinx community regardless of their immigration status and health insurance. This brand will give the necessary tools to these people who are in a state of vulnerability so they know what to do and where to go. Most importantly, these people will identify with “En Confianza”, a phrase that gives them the confidence to be able to search for and have services without fear. “En Confianza” is a project originally sponsored by COMPASS ACTION LATINX GRANT.

About High Impacto

The 5 Pillars

The client. Each member of the community and their culture are the focal points of HIGH IMPACTO services.

Information. All information related to HIGH IMPACTO clients is strictly confidential. It is not shared with Immigration services and is aligned with the standards of confidentiality, privacy and protection of health information.

Cost of services. Although every organization needs funds to grow, HIGH IMPACTO offers its services to the community for free. To this end, HIGH IMPACTO is constantly open to receiving and seeking funding for its programs and being able to maintain this fundamental pillar.


Operations. HIGH IMPACTO aligns the way that it run its services with strategic planning and maintains constant monitoring at the macro and micro level, focused on details. HIGH IMPACTO understands that every aspect of its organization must withstand scrutiny and be constantly improved to maintain itself as one of the best service providers in the field of HIV.

Alliances. HIGH IMPACTO understands that to in order to go far, we have work as a team, therefore we are in a constant search for successful alliances and strategic partnerships capable of boosting our growth and maintaining the standards of its services.

Contact us here / Contáctenos aquí 


    101 W. Cypress Creek Rd. Suite 308.
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
    United States